
You are not alone. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or human trafficking, there is help available. This page provides a list of resources to guide you towards safety, support, and healing. These resources offer confidential assistance, 24/7 hotlines, legal advocacy, and information on shelters and support groups. Remember, you deserve to feel safe and empowered. Take the first step today.

The resources listed below are provide information for survivors, victims, and those who want to learn more and be part of creating change.

• Learn how you can help and/or Request A Speaker on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and/or Human Trafficking

Links below provide information on how you can help create change at the legislative and advocacy levels, schedule an event to host, and/or locate a speaker to speak to your school, business, organization, etc.

It's important to choose speakers with experience and expertise in the specific topic you'd like them to address.

• Most Speakers are survivors

Kathy Sechrist, Author, Speaker, Advocate (can a link go directly to the request form?)

 The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): Request a Survivor

• Your Local Domestic Violence Shelter or Rape Crisis Center

These organizations are often on the front lines of supporting victims and may have staff

members with expertise who are willing to speak at events.

The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV)

NAESV offers a directory of

State sexual violence coalitions. These coalitions may have speakers available or be able

to connect you with someone in your area.

Shared Hope

Shared Hope International is dedicated to bring an end to sex trafficking through our three-pronged approach: prevent, restore and bring justice. Be sure to check your state's score card for how they are progressing where the largest gaps remain—victim protections and educational films and training materials.